
How To Open USA Bank Account in Nigeria For FREE (2023)

How To Open USA Bank Account in Nigeria For FREE
How To Open USA Bank Account in Nigeria For FREE

There are a ton of reasons why you will want to learn “How To Open USA Bank Account in Nigeria for FREE”. You could be a business owner who needs a USA Bank account to allow for smoother International transactions, you may be a Freelancer who works online and gets paid online in Dollars and you’ll need to convert that foreign currency to Nigerian Naira (NGN) at a very good rate and then withdraw directly to your Nigerian bank account.

You may also just be an individual who’s just curious and wants to learn how to create a foreign bank account from Nigeria. Well, if you’re any of these people, you’re in luck. In this article, I’ll be highlighting the best methods you can use to open your USA Bank account from Nigeria.

It is simpler to open a bank account in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Estonia, or any other European nation of choice than in China, Nigeria, or Singapore. Laws such as FATCA, the CRS, as well as the Nigerian BVN have made it more difficult for foreigners to open a standard bank account in nations other than North America and the European region.

I’ll now be highlighting different methods you can use to do this, and then you can pick the one that’s best for you according to your preferences.

1. How To Open USA Bank Account in Nigeria Via Payoneer

Payoneer is a free worldwide payment service that allows you to send and receive funds from any location on the planet. You may send money from France to Russia, the US to Brazil, and the UK to Nigeria as low as $3 using Payoneer. Yes, you can transfer funds to anybody you want for less than 5 USD.

The other party will receive your money within two hours thanks to Payoneer. If the money does not appear within two hours, it will probably arrive within 48 hours.

To demonstrate how amazing Payoneer is, they don’t demand much paperwork in order to provide you with a free USA bank account. They simply require your Nigerian National ID, Permanent Voters Card (PVC), Drivers License, or an International passport.

You can easily use Payoneer to open a USA bank account without leaving your home. The entire procedure is carried out online.

After you’ve supplied the necessary papers, it will take about three working days to validate the documents and verify your Payoneer account.

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You will be sent an email after your Payoneer account has been verified. If you received the email, you may now send and receive funds into your USA bank account absolutely free. To do this:

Note: Make sure every single detail you provide while creating your Payoneer account is correct and not a gimmick to avoid them blocking your account later or them disapproving your application.

How To Open USA Bank Account in Nigeria For FREE
  1. Create a Payoneer account using this link –
  2. Now, you’ll be asked to choose if you’re creating an account as an Individual or as a Business (Company)
  3. Then, you’ll fill out a form containing your first and last names, email address, and date of birth and then you’ll click on NEXT
  4. You’ll now be prompted to fill in your contact details. You’ll be asked to fill in your Country or residence, street and number, city, ZIP Code, and Mobile number
  5. Next, you’ll be sent a code to the mobile number you provided. Input the code to continue to the next step
  6. After confirming your verification code, you will now be asked to fill in security details like a unique username, password, and a security question and answer for your account
  7. When you’re done filling in your security details, you’ll see another form under that asking for your ID details, fill that completely and then proceed to the next step.
  8. Now, for the final step of the registration process, you will be asked to fill in your banking details for withdrawal of whatever funds will be sent into your Payoneer account. You’ll include your Bank Country, Currency (NGN), Bank name, Account holder name and finally, your account Number then you’ll check the box to agree to the terms and conditions of using Payoneer and then proceed.

You will now be sent a congratulatory message saying that you’ve successfully submitted your application and it’s being reviewed at the moment and it’ll take several business days to complete the review of the details you provided.

2. How To Open USA Bank Account in Nigeria via GEEGPAY

The second method I’ll be showing in this article is how to create your USA Bank account in Nigeria via GEEGPAY Africa. I already found a video on YouTube that explains how to do this in less than ten minutes and it’ll also be the best option for those of you that prefer visual representation as opposed to reading words.

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How To Create USA/UK Bank Account With GEEGPAY – Tech Surgeon YT!

3. How To Open USA Bank Account in Nigeria Via TransferWise

TransferWise, now known as, is another quick and low-cost option to send and receive funds over the world. You may also create a free USA bank account in Nigeria with this firm.

Whenever you make any international transfers, Payoneer charges you a fee of $3, but Wise charges you just 1.52 percent for each transaction. That implies that your money, no matter how large or small, will not be tampered with.

You may transfer and receive over Forty different currencies in just about any bank account you set up with your Wise borderless account. You may send and receive money instantaneously with your borderless account. You may also transfer funds from your local bank accounts directly to your USA bank account.

4. How To Open USA Bank Account in Nigeria Via Paypal

How To Open USA Bank Account in Nigeria For FREE

Even though the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and state authorities do not recognize PayPal as a bank, it operates like one.

PayPal bank accounts cannot transmit or receive actual cash; they can only make and receive PayPal payments. PayPal money is an electronic currency created by PayPal to make online buying easier. All you need to create your PayPal account is your email address to open and verify your USA bank account using PayPal.


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Written by faqontech

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