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How To Create a WhatsApp TV in 2022 and Make Easy Money!

How To Create a WhatsApp TV in 2022 and Make Easy Money!
How To Create a WhatsApp TV in 2022 and Make Easy Money!

Hey Guys! Today, I’ll be walking you guys through “How To Create a WhatsApp TV in 2022 and Make Easy Money from it!”

WhatsApp is a Facebook-owned social media platform where users can exchange text messages as well as voice messages, and also make video and voice calls and share photographs, documents, locations, and other multimedia.

WhatsApp currently has over 5 billion downloads on the Google Playstore, making it the biggest messaging program in the world right now, second only to Facebook. It has replaced traditional ways of communicating in a number of nations, including India, Pakistan, Brazil, and vast areas of Europe, including France and the UK.

Now, let’s take a look at what WhatsApp TV is all about!

What is a WhatsApp TV?

How To Create a WhatsApp TV in 2022 and Make Easy Money!

A WhatsApp TV is a customized WhatsApp account that uses the status feature on WhatsApp to educate, entertain, and enlighten people on the social media application. Basically, it’s just like the way your friends view your status on your WhatsApp, but now you have a large number of people viewing your status and they gain something by viewing it! 

We’ve all heard of the WhatsApp status feature – which was a feature introduced by WhatsApp that allows you to post videos, images, text, and GIFs for your friends to view and will automatically disappear after 24 hours if not deleted manually by the poster.  and how we can see what our contacts post on their WhatsApp status, which can be photographs or videos. 

That’s just how a WhatsApp TV works. They (WhatsApp TV) want to keep you tuned in, or should I say less bored, while you’re on WhatsApp by giving you premium entertainment on their status!

Requirements to Start a WhatsApp TV

How To Create a WhatsApp TV in 2022 and Make Easy Money!

You now know what a WhatsApp TV is and the next thing you’ll need to know are the things you’ll be needing to have before you even start your own WhatsApp TV. There are just a few requirements you need to meet before you’re good to go!

To start a profitable WhatsApp TV, you must have all of the software and equipment listed below. Take your time and read about each piece of equipment to discover how useful it is.

  1. A Logo

Before you even think of starting your own WhatsApp TV, you need to get a logo that will be associated with your WhatsApp TV. You need to take this seriously and treat it exactly like a business because it is! You need a very good logo that when people look at it on your status, or they randomly see the logo on a post somewhere on the Internet, they know that such a post is owned by you!

You also need to make sure your logo is very authentic and you’re not copying someone’s logo. If you copy a logo, it won’t make your brand look original or good.

To get a logo, download the Canva application on your smartphone or head on to the website. Sign up to Canva by creating an account, then in the search bar on your dashboard, search for “Logos”… when that pops up, you can now edit any existing logos on the website or you can delete everything and use the tools on Canva to create a very unique logo from scratch.

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If you need a professional logo designer, you can send a message on Telegram to “@TripleXTech“… This Telegram user is endorsed by FaqonTech and he’s guaranteed to do a very professional job for you. When you send him a message, also say you’re from FaqonTech so that you can get a very big discount on your work.

2. A brand name for your Whatsapp TV

One of the essential features that might help your WhatsApp Television succeed is a brand name. If you don’t have a very attractive name in mind, I have a simple online tool that will propose a good name for your WhatsApp TV. Open Shopify on Google, when you’re on the website:

  • Click on “Start” at the top of your screen
  • Click on “Branding”
  • Tap on “Business Name Generator”
    Now, put anything you want in the query box and lots of unique names will be generated for your WhatsApp TV.

3. A good Android device

Now, firstly, I’m going to state the fact that I don’t endorse you using an iPhone for your WhatsApp TV, because in the long run, you’re going to have lots of issues with your WhatsApp TV on the iPhone. I recommend you use a very good Android device that has at least 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage space. Phones like this will not hang and will give you a smooth experience when you’re running your WhatsApp TV.

If you have an Android phone and you want to know if it’ll be okay for you to use it to start your WhatsApp TV, comment below the name and specifications of the phone below and I’ll let you know if you’re good to go!

4. A video and photo editing app

For you to create interesting and catchy content for your viewers and for you to also be able to add your logo to every post you make, you’re going to need a video and photo editing app. For the video editing app, I recommend, FilmoraGO and for the photo editing application, I recommend Canva.

5. A Backup

Make sure you’re constantly backing up your contacts with Google drive so that if there are ever any issues with your phone, you don’t lose all your hard work and you can easily continue your WhatsApp TV using another device.

Now, I’ve highlighted all the major things you need to have before you start your own WhatsApp TV and we can now head on to the main topic – How To Create a WhatsApp TV in 2022 and Make Easy Money!

How To Create a WhatsApp TV in 2022!

Before I head-on, for those of you that prefer to watch a video to understand things, I have found a video made by a YouTuber (Tech Surgeon) that explains how you can create your very own WhatsApp TV in less than five minutes, you can check out the video here:

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How To Create a WhatsApp TV and Earn Money Through It! – By Tech Surgeon

To start a WhatsApp TV, here are the things you need to start with:

  1. Download the WhatsApp Business application
  2. You will be asked to enter your mobile number, and then you will be asked to verify that phone number
  3. The next step is to give the account an username and a profile picture and to use the logo you created earlier as your profile picture, just like you would do when creating a regular WhatsApp account. Then press the next button
  4. Now, you have successfully created your WhatsApp TV!
  5. Now go to your settings and edit your quick responses… I’m referring to the automatic message that appears when folks message you. If you’re online, this feature functions like a bot.

Here’s a sample of an automated message that you can use – Hi. Welcome to FaqonTech WhatsApp TV. What’s your name so that I can save your number and make sure you save our number too. Please kindly block us from viewing your status so that it won’t affect our TV. We’re a family here and we treat every member of our community specially. We hope you enjoy our updates.

6. You might also customize the link so that your users know what to do when they click it. For example,,+I+want+to.

Now that you’ve successfully created your very own WhatsApp TV and you’ve set it up a bit, you now need to know how to make money with your WhatsApp TV.

How to make money from your new WhatsApp TV

How To Create a WhatsApp TV in 2022 and Make Easy Money!

Now that you have successfully created your WhatsApp TV, you should be thinking about how to grow and profit from it. It is always easy to generate money with WhatsApp TV. However, it would be advantageous if you first created your WhatsApp TV audience.

The rule is that the more users (contacts) you can gather on a WhatsApp TV, the more money you can generate. When you have a significant number of viewers (contacts), the natural way to generate money from your TV is to advertise other people’s products(s) on your WhatsApp TV status and charge them for it.

You can also create and market your own product. Whether you already have a business or otherwise, you can try to sell anything to your audience. You never know, that could be the start of a business endeavor.

Conclusion on How To Create a WhatsApp TV in 2022

How To Create a WhatsApp TV in 2022 and Make Easy Money!

Did you enjoy the article (How To Create a WhatsApp TV in 2022 and Make Easy Money!)? Well, we hope you did. If you have any questions you’ll like to ask or if you missed any of the steps below and you need assistance, you can drop them in the comment section below.

If you also have any additions you think should be put in this article that could be helpful to others, make sure you alert us using the comment section below.

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Written by faqontech


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  1. May Almighty God bless You For Great Job You Have done. I Understand Everything.
    But I want to ask a question can I start with A 2g ram 32g rom for a start

    • No. Sorry. A 2GB RAM Smartphone with 32GB ROM Will Not be able to run a successful WhatsApp TV in the long run. For a start, I’d advice that you have at least a 4GB RAM device. Preferrably Redmi not Infinix, iTel or Tecno. For best results and longevity, get an 8GB RAM device. Either Xiaomi Redmi, Oppo or on the high end – Samsung!

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