
How To Open a GoFundMe Account in Nigeria in Less Than 15 Minutes Without Stress

How To Open a GoFundMe Account in Nigeria
How To Open a GoFundMe Account in Nigeria

Hey Y’all. In this article, I’ll explain how to open a GoFundMe account in Nigeria. I haven’t been very active on this blog for a while now due to personal issues. But, I hope to get active again and churn out some really insightful articles for y’all. So, let us get right into the article…

For those who don’t know, GoFundMe is a Crowdfunding platform. By Crowdfunding, I mean a platform where you can simply create a donation account, share your donation link with the public, and get funds from people.

GoFundMe has been especially useful to people who have medical issues and need funding to help or cure their health issues because they can’t afford treatment. Many lives have been saved because of donations on the platform.

Another category of people GoFundMe has helped in big ways is small companies and startups with unique business ideas. Instead of having investors fund your startup and having to give them a large share of your company in exchange for funding, these small companies and startups can now solicit funds on the GoFundMe platform and get funds to bring their ideas to life.

Does GoFundMe Charge You To Create an Account?

Organizers on GoFundMe are not charged a Platform Fee. GoFundMe only charges 2.9% transaction fees on every $0.30 donation, which covers credit and debit card expenses.

GoFundMe is currently available in 20 different countries around the world. Even though the site is not presently available in Nigeria, you may still use it to generate funds by requesting someone in one of the supported countries to do it on your behalf.

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This third party may assist you in establishing your GoFundMe fundraising account here in Nigeria and adding you as a beneficiary so you can monitor the progress of your campaign.

What Do You Need To Create a GoFundMe Account in Nigeria

  1. A Beneficiary: Since you cannot directly create a working GoFundme account from here in Nigeria, you will need someone to create an account on your behalf. This person needs to be from one of the twenty countries supported by the GoFundMe platform.
  2. A Social Security Number for Identification
  3. A working Bank Account
  4. A Postal address

How To Open a GoFundMe Account in Nigeria

How To Open a GoFundMe Account in Nigeria

For you to create a GoFundme account, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to GoFundMe’s official website HERE
  2. At the top-right corner of your screen, you will see a button that says “Start a GoFundMe.”
  3. After clicking on the button, you will be redirected to a new page that asks you to select your Country from the 20 Countries supported on the platform.
  4. Make sure that the person opening the GoFundme account on your behalf resides in one of the available Countries on the list. Select the country, and put in your postal code. If you don’t know your postal code, then you can check for that HERE.
  5. Now, select the reason why you’re opening this GoFundMe account
  6. You will now be asked who you’re fundraising for. Since the person is creating the account on your behalf, then they’ll click on “Someone else.”
  7. Now, you’ll be asked to input the initial amount you’re targeting for creating the GoFundMe account. After putting in an amount, click on “Continue.”
  8. You will now be asked to fill in a form containing your basic information – First name, Last name, Email address, Password and then you click on “Continue.”
  9. Add your social security number and other details that you’ll be required to fill in.
  10. Now, you’ll have to add an Image to your fundraising Campaign as well as a very compelling letter stating why you are running your Fundraiser on the platform.
  11. After your account is approved, you will now be able to share your GoFundMe link to people via platforms and then get donations directly to your account.
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As I mentioned before, there’s no way to get your Twitter account suspended if you’ve been permanently suspended. The only thing you can do is wait for a very long period and hope that your account will be released from suspension, or you can create another account, reach out to your Twitter friends and start growing your new account.

Did you enjoy the article (How To Open a GoFundMe Account in Nigeria)? Well, I hope you did. If you have any questions, you’ll like to ask regarding recovering a suspended Twitter account. You can drop them in the comment section below.

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Written by faqontech

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