
How to use Twitter for iPhone on Android Devices

How to use Twitter for iPhone on Android Devices
How to use Twitter for iPhone on Android Devices

Hey Guys! Today in this article, I’m going to be showing you guys how to use Twitter for iPhone on Android devices. Recently, I’ve been writing more articles on Cryptocurrency and have neglected to show you guys how to do cool stuff like this. So, I’m here to redeem myself… Lol.

So, there have been literal WARS on the topic “Is Android better than iPhone” or “Are iPhone devices better than Android devices?” and this clash has moved on to Twitter where Apple devices get to have their own cool custom “Tweet source” – “Twitter for iPhone” and all Android devices no matter the brand, be it Samsung, Xiaomi, Oppo, OnePlus and lots of other brands have to share the same Tweet source – “Twitter for Android” which isn’t fair y’know.

So, there’s a very high chance that you’re reading this article because you’re an Android user who wants to use the “Twitter for iPhone” source label. There’s no shame in wanting that. I respect it! That’s why I’m going to be showing you how to do that in a bit. Make sure you follow all the steps and follow them thoroughly so that you don’t make any mistakes.

There’s also a chance that you’re here because you’re an iPhone user who’s checking this article for whatever reason. Lol! But, seriously? WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR UNDER MY ARTICLE? arrgghhhh…

Now, before we get on with the steps, let’s check out some irrelevant stuff… like…

What are Tweet Source Labels?

Tweet source labels assist you in understanding how a Tweet on Twitter was posted. This extra information gives context to the Tweet as well as its author. If you don’t know the source of a Tweet, you should investigate more to evaluate how much you trust the information.

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Now, let’s check out another completely irrelevant sub-topic…

How to Check Tweet Source Labels!

For you to check the Tweet source label of any Tweet on Twitter, follow the simple steps below:

  1. Select a Tweet or head on to the “Tweet details” page
  2. The origin of the Tweet is labelled at the bottom of whatever Tweet you’re checking. It could be labelled  Twitter for Android, Twitter for Web, or Twitter for iPhone
  3. Tweets with the “Twitter for Advertisers” tag indicate that such tweet was made using the Twitter Ads Composer, regardless of whether they are paid Tweets or not. Across all ad forms, paid content includes a Promoted badge
  4. In some circumstances, a third-party name appears, indicating that the Tweet originated from a non-Twitter app. Third-party client programs are sometimes used by authors to manage Tweets, and marketing campaigns, assess advertising performance, give customer assistance, and target specific groups to advertise to.

Okay! Enough of the boring irrelevant stuff, let’s head-on with the main topic – How to use Twitter for iPhone on Android Devices.

How to use Twitter for iPhone on Android Devices!

To use the “Twitter for iPhone” source label on your tweets while you’re using an Android device, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Twitter IPA File HERE
  2. Search for “Virtual iPhone Online”
  3. Click on the “BrowserStack” website
  4. Create an account on BrowserStack using your Email
  5. Now, upload the Twitter IPA file you downloaded earlier using the “Upload” button
  6. Now, select the iPhone you want to use from the devices list
  7. Your Twitter IPA file should load on the iPhone device you’ve selected and the Twitter application should pop up on the screen after some seconds
  8. Now, you can log into your Twitter account
  9. Make a Tweet using the Twitter application on the virtual device and your Tweet source label should show “Twitter for iPhone” even though you’re using an Android device!
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Now, for those of you that prefer a more visual approach, you can watch the video below from Tech Surgeon’s YouTube Channel to show you how to go about this!


Now, this brings us to the end of this short article, did you enjoy the article (How to use Twitter for iPhone on Android Devices)? Well, we hope you did. If you have any questions you’ll like to ask or if you missed any of the steps below and you need assistance, you can drop them in the comment section below.

If you also have any additions you think should be put in this article that could be helpful to others, make sure you alert us using the comment section below.

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Written by faqontech


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