
How to Download and Install Mac OS Cursor on Windows 10, 11 and Older Version

Mac os Cursor for windows 11
Youtube thumbnail by Geek Deelino

I have decided to show you how to download and install the Mac OS Cursor on windows completely and trust me it works. I have tried it out before sharing it here.

Do you like Mac OS Cursor?

If yes, Keep reading…

Today, is your lucky day and am here to show you how to get Mac OS pointer showing on your PC.

Apple Mac OS is unique in all way same with Windows but one thing is both are just similar to that of Android and IOS.

Recently, Windows brought in a new update called windows 11 that supports installation of android apps on windows which is one cool thing about windows 11.

Windows is so free that you can customize anything you wish.

If you don’t love the MacOS cursor and wish to create yours, you can also do that but the file must end with .cur in order to show that’s a cur.

Let’s get started with downloading and installing the Mac OS Cursor.

Download Mac OS cursor for Windows

I have added the download link below so you can download the complete cursor file then proceed to installation after downloading.

Download Complete Cursor (Tested on Windows)

Video Guide to Install Mac OS Cursor on Windows 11

Watch the video below, if you prefer to see how to get it done than reading the text guide below.

How to Install Mac OS Cursor for Windows

  • After you have downloaded the cursor file, unzip it on your computer.
  • Now Open the extracted folder.
  • Navigate to any folder and open it.
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Note: Standart is for small cursor, Large is for large Cursor while XtraLarge is for extra larger cursor. Select any you wish to install.

Currently, am using the standart because i like my icons or mouse small.

MacOS installation
Mac OS cursor installation guide
  • Find the “Install.inf” file.
  • Now right-click on the install.inf file and select Install.

You have successfully installed the Mac OS pointer, time to apply it.

How to Apply Mac OS Cursor for Windows

  • Open the Settings app.
  • Go to the “Devices” page.
  • Go to the “Mouse” page.
  • Click on the “Additional mouse options” link.
  • Go to the “Pointers” tab.
  • Select “MacOS Cursor” from the Scheme dropdown menu.
  • Click “Apply” then click “Ok“.

That’s all, you have successfully applied the MacOS Cursor for windows. Learn how to tweak your smartphone IMEI.

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Written by Geek

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