
How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphone (2023)

How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphone
How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphone

Our Smartphones are one device that we literally use most of the time every single day and in a way, they have become part of our lives. But, imagine a part of you suddenly stops working. Not cool right? Well, that’s exactly how it feels when our Smartphones decide to show us their bad side and freeze up.

In this article, I’ll be showing y’all how to speed up your Android Smartphones and make them work more efficiently as you use them in your day-to-day lives. Now, you’re probably wondering why I’m focusing this article mainly on Androids and not iOS devices.

Well, iOS Devices, particularly iPhones have lots of features in-built inside them that help them effectively manage how the device works and unlike Android devices, all Apple iPhones are made by the parent company itself thereby granting you the luxury that every iPhone came directly from a source and has been made as perfect as can be.

For Androids, there are a lot of these smartphones out there… and while you might have heard of popular Android Smartphone brands like Samsung, Oppo, Xiaomi, and Google Pixel, there are tons of other Smartphone brands that are out there available to the General public.

Most of these un-branded Smartphones will promise you very good performance and unbelievable specifications and you’ll get them thinking you’re getting something precious, when in fact, you’re getting a pain in the ass.

Well, if you’ve got any of these Smartphones and you’re now having performance issues, this article will help you with the best measures you can take to make your experience smoother. You could also be here because you have an old Smartphone and can’t change it yet but it’s already gotten slower and you can’t get a lot of work done. Well, this is the right place for you too.

Now, let’s take a look at How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphones and make your Smartphone work at its peak performance again.

How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphone: Applications

How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphone: Applications

In this subheader, we’ll be taking a look at actions you can take on your Android applications that will make your Android Smartphone work better than it currently is.

  1. Update apps: I mean, why don’t you? Most times, developers update their applications to allow for smoother performance on devices and also fix security issues and bugs. But, when you have all the applications on your Smartphone updated at all times and they’ve all been tailored to make your smartphone work smoothly, it makes your device less slow to use and your applications will work faster than if you didn’t update them.
  2. Use Lite apps: Nowadays, popular applications and even the not-so-popular ones have Lite versions of their applications. It’s just like the name depicts. These applications are lighter variants of the original application. I mean, try using Facebook’s main app and the Lite version, you’ll notice that the Lite version has been made as simple as possible, takes up lesser space on your device, but still has all the features of the original application. So, no losses.
  3. Uninstall Unused apps: This is very important. I mean, why do you even keep applications you never use on your device? They just take up space they aren’t supposed to and make your smartphone slower. So, make sure any apps you aren’t using are uninstalled or better still, FROZEN.
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How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphone: Update Smartphone

Updating your Android Smartphone is more important than you think it is. Just because you think your smartphone works just fine with the version of UI you bought it with doesn’t mean that there aren’t functions that don’t need to be fixed in the Smartphone.

I use a Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 and ever since I’ve gotten the Smartphone, I’ve noticed the difference in my Smartphone each time I make an update to my MIUI Version. These updates are made to optimize your device Performance, fix security issues and sometimes change the look and design of your device.

How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphone: Reduce Animations

Animations are everywhere on your Android smartphone. From scrolling through apps to opening apps and even running live wallpapers and widgets. These animations require a bit of your Smartphone’s processing power to enable them to work efficiently.

Reducing or completely removing these animations will free up some of your smartphone’s processing speed which can then be diverted to the working of the Smartphone instead. To remove animations on your Smartphone, go to settings on your device, then developer options, scroll downwards and you’ll find options to disable and reduce your Smartphone’s animations.

To enable developer options on your device:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Head on to “About Phone” or “About Device”
  3. You’ll see an option that says “Build Number.” Tap on it repeatedly seven times and then developer options will be enabled on your Android device.

How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphone: Install a Custom ROM

How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphone: Install a Custom ROM

Rooting an Android smartphone will not always improve its overall performance, custom ROMs could. For old Android smartphones that no longer receive System upgrades, custom ROMs provide a solution.

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You may also acquire custom ROMs that are free of bloatware and include a number of intriguing modifications and adjustments. Do some research to get the best customized ROM for your Smartphone’s needs.

How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphone: Reset your Smartphone

Sometimes, you have to pay the ultimate price for happiness. In this case, your Smartphone will be paying the ultimate price. This is the last option for when you’ve tried every single thing you can and your smartphone’s performance still doesn’t seem to be getting better.

Your last option will be to run a HARD RESET! I’m getting teary just writing this… I mean you’re about to wipe your whole Smartphone with all its files, settings, customizations, and much more… R.I.P

You can get an OTG Flash drive to save your files before you do this, you can also get a memory card or send all your files to your Computer. But know that once you’ve gone through with this step, there’s no coming back!

To reset your Smartphone;

  1. Go to Settings
  2. On the search bar, input “Factory Reset”
  3. You’ll be shown a warning that you’re about to erase some items. To completely wipe your device, click on “Erase all data.” or for some heartless devices, “Erase Everything.”

Conclusion on How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphone

Conclusion on How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphone

Did you enjoy the article (How To Speed Up Your Android Smartphone)? Well, I hope you did. If you have any questions, you’ll like to ask regarding Android 13. You can drop them in the comment section below.

If you also have any additions you think should be put in this article that could be helpful to others or if any corrections need to be made, please make sure you alert me using the comment section below.

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Written by faqontech

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